Galanthus Sylvan Vale hybrid


These flowering sized bulbs are a mixture of caucasicus, plicatus and elwesii. There is a wide range of variation in flower size, inner markings, flowering times and even some that have outer markings.

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These flowering sized bulbs are a mixture of caucasicus, plicatus and elwesii. There is a wide range of variation in flower size, inner markings, flowering times and even some that have outer markings.

Aspect: Half Shade;Full Shade

Growing Zones: Zones 1, 2 (refer to Climate Map)

Flowers: Jun;July; Aug

Product Type: Rare and Exotic

Product code: GSV

Scientific Name: Galanthus caucasicus, plicatus, elwesii

Supplied as: Dry Bulbs

Water Wise: Yes

Colour: White

Planting Time: Mar;Apr;May

End Use: Pots;Rockery;Garden;Naturalising

Frost Hardy: Yes

Height: 10cm

Galanthus: (Zones 1,2) - See also General Bulb Growing Instructions

Plant 8cm deep and 8 cm apart in shade to semi shade. Add a good handful of rich compost when planting. Can be moved green if kept damp. Let leaves yellow and wither before removing spent foliage. .

Growing Map