Van Diemen Quality Bulbs only ship within Australia and products cannot be sent overseas. Shipment and delivery is generally through Australia Post parcel postage.

All bulbs ordered are labelled and accompanied by growing instructions. Orders are held until all product for that order is in store. Some products are later in harvesting so do not worry if your order takes a little while to arrive after submitting (often up to a month - 6 weeks).


Summer bulb despatches for Spring flowering begin in March and finish early May or when product sold out.


Winter bulb despatches for Summer flowering begin in mid June and finish around mid August or when product sold out.


Spring bulbs despatches for Summer and Autumn Flowering begin early September and finish around end October or when product sold out.


Due to the complexity of Western Australian Quarantine restrictions and the extra inspections, dipping and paperwork required, we need to consolidate all WA orders to go in bulk despatches, so please ensure you place your orders early. They are despatched toward the end of the despatch date ranges shown above. There is an extra postage surcharge on WA orders to cover these additional costs.

Every effort is made to deliver sound and healthy bulbs, so please contact us if there are any problems. However, our liability to you is limited to the value of the bulbs delivered.

We recommend that you unpack your order on arrival, and read your planting instructions.

Please order early to ensure supply.

For security purposes and reserving of your stock, your Credit Card will be charged on submission of your order, regardless of when the bulbs are due to be despatched. In some cases this could be a month or more i.e. if you order bulbs in January, we will not start despatching until early March or with summer bulbs we will not begin despatching until July and Summer/Autumn until September. However if you wish us to hold your payment and keep credit card details until just prior to despatch of your order, then you can phone your order through to us on freecall 1800179113 and advise us of this.