Gorilla - Tulip


Beautiful dark purple with a deeply cut, fringed edge to the petals (mid).  

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Beautiful dark purple with a deeply cut, fringed edge to the petals (mid).  

Aspect: Full sun to semi shade

Growing Zones: Zones 1, 2, 3 (refer to Climate Map)

Flowers: Sep;Oct

Product Type: Tulips - Fringed

Product code: GOR

Scientific Name: Tulipa hybrida

Supplied as: Dry Bulbs

Water Wise: No

Colour: Purple

Planting Time: Mar;Apr;May

End Use: Pots;Garden;Cut Flower

Frost Hardy: Yes

Height: 35cm

Tulips: (Zones 1,2,3-4 as annuals) - Also see general bulb growing instructions

Tulips should be planted in late March - May, in full to partial sun. March planting is only for zones 1-3, May for Zone 4. Once buds appear, a little complete fertiliser can be mixed into soil, and a high nitrogen topdressing should be applied at emergence. Water in as bulb is shooting, and water well after flowers die off to ensure good bulb growth for next year's flowers. Lift bulbs when foliage is yellowed, and store in net bag in ventilated, cool area. Flowers in spring.

Refrigerating Tulips

Tulips love a cold winter, a mild spring and dry summer. You can't control everything about your climate but you can control the winter period quite easily. If you live somewhere that doesn't get any winter frosts your ground does not get naturally cold enough for tulips. You will need to give them a winter before you plant, this can be done by putting your bulbs in a fridge for about 6-8 weeks before planting. If growing in warmer climates planting is best in mid May so put into the fridge mid-late March.

Things to remember about putting bulbs in the fridge

1.Don't freeze them 2.They need air flow around them. 3. Open the paper bags. 4. Store away from ripe fruit and vegetables. 5. They will grow taller, and flower earlier as a result of refrigeration, and this effect is cumulative.

In warm climates tulips grow well as annuals. Plant the bulbs up in large pots in late May after 8 weeks of refrigeration and put the pot in the coldest part of the garden (no sun) until the shoots are 5 cm high. Then move the pot to your favourite position and enjoy the spectacular growth and flowering of these energetic bulbs.

Growing Map