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Cora Louise - Itoh Peony
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Cora Louise Itoh peony sports large semi-double, flat white flowers with striking crimson to lavender flares and dark green foliage. This peony has a slight fragrance (early).
Aspect: Full sun to semi shade
Growing Zones: Zones 1, 2, 3 (refer to Climate Map)
Flowers: Oct;Nov
Product Type: Peonies - Itohs
Product code: COR
Scientific Name: paeonia hybrida
Supplied as: Rootstock packed in peat
Water Wise: No
Colour: White, Dark Pink
Planting Time: Jun;Jul;Aug
End Use: Garden;Cut Flower;Clumping
Frost Hardy: Yes
Height: 60-80cm
Itoh/Intersectional Peony: (Zones 1,2,3)
They grow much like a herbaceous peony, however they might not always die back all the way to the ground. pH 6.5. Follow herbaceous instructions (below). Strong and vigorous, lots of flowers after a few years.
Herbaceous peonies come in a variety of forms, singles, doubles and semi-doubles and are often quite fragrant. These lovely shrubs can grow to around 1 metre high and will normally take a few years to establish and flower well. They grow from buds on a tuberous root and should be planted on arrival. Blood and bone or compost can also be mixed with the soil at planting. They will benefit from a soil pH which is neutral (7.0) or at the most, only slightly acidic. Plant in a full sun to half shade location with the top of the shoots maximum 5cm deep and approx. 1 metre apart. Peonies are very hard to grow if you don't have a cold winter. Plant in cold exposed locations with no winter mulch. If the peony is struggling to get established in it's first year you can break off the buds to put more energy pack into the plant. Peonies are frost tolerant and are heavy feeders and best results will come with some care. General purpose fertiliser should be applied during early spring and late autumn. Peonies don't like to be disturbed, but during their dormant months (winter) you can lift and divide a large matt of roots. Keep moist and cool after lifting. To prevent botrytis returning year on year cut stems back in autumn to 10cm above the ground. Cut back before leaves drop to ground to prevent botrytis entering the crown. They like regular watering during summer. Peonies can grow in pots but it is more difficult, they need winter cooling and heavy fertilisation to make them flourish.