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Magical Mystery Tour - Itoh Peony
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Type: Peonies - Itohs
Take the mystery tour. Plentiful bloooms of Magical Mystery Tour open deep pink and mauve then fade as they age through peach to cream, giving the impression of mutiple coloured flowers on one bush. This Itoh peony has medium semi double to double, fra
Aspect: Full sun to semi shade
Growing Zones: Zones 1, 2, 3 (refer to Climate Map)
Flowers: Oct;Nov;Dec
Product Type: Peonies - Itohs
Product code: MAG
Scientific Name: paeonia hybrida
Supplied as: Rootstock packed in peat
Water Wise: Yes
Colour: Pink, Mauve, Cream
Planting Time: May;June;July
End Use: Garden;Cut Flower;Clumping
Frost Hardy: Yes
Height: 1m
paeonia hybrida (Zones 1,2,3)